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A Toxic Brain

Revelations from a Health Journey

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1. Auflage, 2022

'A Toxic Brain' provides more than hope with science-based proven protocols and lifestyle interventions to prevent and reverse cognitive decline. Upon witnessing her husband's sudden onset of mysterious symptoms, and without conventional medical tests revealing any definitive issues, Strauss embarked upon a quest for answers of vital relevance for 21st century health. Millions are suffering with debilitating maladies, undergoing a series of tests, yet often without revealing what's causing their misery. Without detecting underlying causes, this is putting health destinies at risk. Written in collaboration with Dan Watts, MD, 'A Toxic Brain' alerts readers of the connections between root causes to dementias, autoimmune disorders, and other chronic inflammatory conditions. As an endurance run of body, mind, and heart, Strauss also shares other matters related to dementing illnesses-relationship shifts, family dynamics, legal and financial concerns, along with valuable strategies for navigating similar situations. Through their 12-year journey as healthcare consumers, she gained insights into the paradigm of care needed today for treating skyrocketing 21st century health issues. Precision evaluations combined with effective treatments are transforming health destinies including those with conditions once believed to be irreversible. This is a must-read in today's toxic times because answers do exist!
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