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11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering

Proceedings of the Online Conference APCMBE 2020, May 25-27, 2020

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1. Auflage, 2021

This book presents cutting-edge research and developments in the field of medical and biological engineering, which a special emphasis on activities carried out in the Asian-Pacific region. Gathering the proceedings of the 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, organized in Japan and held online on May 25-27, 2020, the book both fundamental research and clinical applications relating to medical instrumentations, bioimaging, bioinformatics and computational biomedicine, AI and data science in healthcare, as well as regenerative medicine and rehabilitation. It aims at informing on new trends, challenges and solutions, and fosters communication and collaboration between medical scientists, engineers, and researchers dealing with cutting-edge themes in broad field of biomedical and clinical engineering.


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