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100 things I love and hate about losing 100 lbs!

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1. Auflage, 2016

At the age of 36 I was over 225 pounds when I decided I needed to lose weight. I really had no idea how to do it so I just made sure I did not eat every single thing I wanted, and tried to get some exercise. As I changed my lifestyle the weight began to come off and over five years I lost 100 pounds. As I went through this process I noticed there was a lot of things I hated. I found myself not nearly as happy as I thought I would be about losing weight so I began to look at those things I hated in a more positive light. In the end I created a list of 100 things I loved, and hated about losing 100 pounds. I have been able to list these things and add commentary to each one of those things. Humor has always been a coping mechanism for me and this book is a great example of how I approach just about everything in life. Good, and bad.
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